2019 Annual Report

Choose any day on the calendar and it is easy to see philanthropy’s indelible mark at Englewood Health. Throughout 2019, we sought bolder opportunities, embraced once-inconceivable possibilities and put vision into action with new programs and investments that align with community imperatives. In this report we shine light on just a few of our brightest days as healthcare innovators and share a glimpse of all that is still yet to come. Click through the pages below to read our annual report.
With extraordinary strength, resilience and generosity our donors create an impact for countless patients at Englewood health 365 days a year. Your support for the Power to Prepare Fund will provide continuity of high-quality care for all our patients, obtain necessary supplies and equipment to aid in screening and treatment, and deliver much-needed support for our indispensable caregivers on the frontlines. Click here to make a gift!